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Tackling School Discipline with Positive Behavior Support Second Partner Meeting in Greece

Tackling School Discipline with Positive Behavior Support  Second Partner Meeting in Greece

The second Transnational Partner meeting of the TaSDi-PBS project was held in Rethymnon (Crete) during March 30-31, 2017. present main interview and survey outcomes of teacher and principal views on student behavior discipline across five countries (Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Netherlands)

  • present main literature findings on violence prevention and intervention efforts across five countries
  • delineate action steps to identify the empirical basis of School-Wide Positive Behavior (SWPBS) Support focusing on primary (universal) level of prevention (Tier 1) and evidence-based instructional practices on teacher professional development of behavior discipline
  • describe planning steps for an instructional school guide on SWPBS Tier 1 as well as a teacher professional development guide on direct social skill instruction
  • discuss training components for preparing school-based leadership teams to implement SWPBS Tier 1 level of prevention, as documented in research literature
  • discuss drafted idea of the project’s website and leaflet

Partners discussed best practices and possible challenges regarding the implementation of SWBPS in their country context. A secondary focus was given on module development of effective classroom management practices as well as project management issues. In addition, the partner consortium had a very constructive online meeting and discussion with Professor Tim Lewis, an internationally recognised expert and a co-director of the National PBIS Technical Assistance Center of the United States of America. Following the transnational meeting, partners are ready to design and conduct the teacher training in their local school context and meet again in person in November 2017 in The Netherlands.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: [2016-1-HR01-KA201-022147]

Target Groups

1, 2, 3, 4

Education Level

1, 2