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Tackling School Discipline with Positive Behavior Support School-Team Training on SWPBS Tier 1 (10th-11th April, 2017)

Tackling School Discipline with Positive Behavior Support School-Team Training on SWPBS Tier 1  (10th-11th April, 2017)

The TaSDi-PBS project is funded by the ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 and it purports to establish early steps of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) framework. To this end, CARDET conducted an intensive two-day teacher training to prepare school leadership teams to design the eight components of the SWPBS Tier 1 (universals) prevention. Participating school teams consisted of teachers and administrators from the B’ Aradippou and Kathari Elementary Schools. Team training took place at the B’ Aradippou elementary school on April 10-11, 2017. The training objectives included the following:

  • to understand the basic principles and elements of the SWPBS framework
  • to design the main characteristics of SWPBS Tier 1
  • to define the SWPBS leadership team roles and responsibilities in designing and implementing an action plan for the SWPBS Tier 1
  • to review survey and direct observation teacher data on student problem behaviors
  • to define school’s mission, values, and behavior expectations
  • to utilize data for defining and teaching appropriate social behaviors

Teams were asked to develop an action plan that included among others preparing a SWPBS behavioral matrix, drafting lesson plans to teach student expectations across specific school settings, and setting up a schoolwide student reinforcement system. Following teacher training, the next team steps will focus on implementing components of SWPBS Tier 1 (matrix, lesson plans, reinforcement system, data-collection system). The CARDET research team will be providing ongoing technical assistance and professional development to SWPBS leadership teams at the end of this school year as well as over the next school year.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [2016-1- HR01-KA201- 022147]

Target Groups

1, 2, 3, 4

Education Level

1, 2