As the TABLO project is approaching to its end, and after 3 years of hard work, the TABLO partners are pleased to announce that the online platform/toolkit of the project is up and running. CARDET has designed and developed an online space that hosts the toolkit (http://tablo-project.eu/index.php/toolkit), as well as information about the project.
Having in mind the professionals working with people with long-term conditions, as well as considering the caregivers and the people with the condition themselves, the partners have created an interactive space where you can learn about different long-term conditions and apply activities in context. Specifically, you can find 14 elearning information and materials on the following conditions:
- Anxiety disorders
- Autism
- Bipolar disorder
- Brain injury
- Chronic fatigue
- Dementia
- Depression
- Drug addiction
- Eating disorders
- Intellectual disabilities
- Personality disorders
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Schizophrenia
The elearning chapters
The TABLO toolkit consists of 14 elearning chapters, based on the conditions mentioned above. The elearning chapters are highly interactive, with audio in each page, so that users can listen to the content and watch the animations on the screen. The contents of each chapter are also available for downloading in PDF format.
Users have the opportunity to conduct a self-assessment through the “Check your knowledge” section in each chapter. The purpose of the particular section is to enable users to identify their needs and revisit the sections in the chapters they would need to have more information about.
Activities and therapies
The TABLO toolkit also consists of about 400 activities and therapies that can be used with people with long-term conditions. Users can use the filtering system that CARDET has put in place and search for activities and therapies based on criteria related to condition, target group, age, and approach. All activities and therapies are downloadable and users can print them as well.
To access and use the TABLO toolkit, you can visit the website and click on the TOOKLIT tab. To view the contents, go ahead and register.
For questions and inquiries, please contact us at info@tablo-project.eu.

Target Groups
1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 15, 18Education Level
8, 9