Second transnational project meeting and the Soci@ll capacitation programme in Cyprus

On the 8th and 9th October 2018, the soci@ll project held its second meeting with the aim to:
- Gain a helicopter view on the status, progress achieved, major constrains and future challenges;
- Discuss the main findings of the desk research and fieldwork activities;
- Set the timetable with tasks, responsibilities and deadlines until next meeting.
The meeting was hosted by CARDET with the support of the Municipality of Agios Athanasios Limassol and the Private Grammar Modern Schools. At the meeting a resolution was adopted about the future steps, activities and contributions from each partner.
As a complementary to the 2nd project meeting, on the 10th and 11th October 2018, the Soci@ll capacitation programme for schools and local authorities from the participatory country took place. The subject of the training course was “Strategies, tools and methods for creating and sustaining open partnerships”.
During the raining programme, scholl partners and Local Authorities partners from Portugal, Cyprus, Poland and Italy had the opportunity to become informed about the:
- Partnership cycle and its relevance for the project;
- Collaborative approach through the events (Igniting, peer-learning, bench-learning and forward-looking);
- Step-by-step guide in terms of planning, execution and completion.
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