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SOCI@LL implements an international bench-learning event with schools

SOCI@LL implements an international bench-learning event with schools

Within the framework of the SOCI@LL project, CARDET facilitated the first international bench-learningevent virtually on Thursday, February 25th 2021.The event brough together participants from schools in Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, and Italy to share their experiences from implementing the  SOIC@LL educative assets.

The constructive discussion that roll-o during the event by school principals, teachers, students, and scientific experts will be crucial to polishing the SOCI@LL educative assets and maximising its impact towards creating and sustaining culturally balanced and inclusive systems inside and around schools.

SOCI@LL is built-on a five-step participatory approach, seeking to support students’ learning through culturally sensitive curricula, enhance the socio-educational and intercultural competencies of teachers in a bid to foster a democratic and inclusive culture of schools and establish cross-sectoral alliances between schools and local inclusion actors.

If you want to join this initiative, we encourage you to visit our SOCI@LL Hub and share your own experiences on this topic.

You can find more information on the project at:  

Sociall implementsevents

Soci@ll has been approved under the EACEA/07/2017 call – Key Action 3: Support for policy reform (Social inclusion through education, training and youth). This project (592254-EPP-1-2017-1-PT-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Target Groups

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Education Level

2, 3