SOCI@LL 3rd project meeting and the hosting of two capacitation training programmes in Florence

The SOCI@LL Eramsus+ KA3 consortium held its 3rd project meeting on the 23rd and 24th of September in Florence, Italy. The aim of the meeting was to:
- Gain a helicopter view on the status, progress achieved, major constrains and future challenges;
- Discuss the comments received form the submission of the first interim report;
- Demonstrate the SOCI@LL hub developed;
- Set the timetable with tasks, responsibilities and deadlines until next meeting.
The meeting was hosted by OXFAM Italia with the participation of scientific experts, schools and local authorities from Cyprus, Italy, Poland and Portugal. During the meeting the scientific partners had the opportunity to introduce the schools and the local authorities to the materials and tools developed for the educational assets.
As a complementary to the 3rd project meeting, the next two following days were fully dedicated to the Soci@ll capacitation programme for schools and local authorities from the participatory country. The capacitation programme was split into two parts:
- General presentation of the course for school leaders and teachers: structure and objectives, and
- General presentation of the course for local authorities
The delivery of the capacitation programmes was particularly important since they are the stepping stone for the upcoming testing phase of the project.
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