The Mediterranean Migration Network releases the ‘4th MMN Handbook of Good Practices’

; a collaborative platform developed and led by the International Research Centre CARDET in collaboration with INNOVADE LI and the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Republic of Cyprus.
Featuring 12 distinct good practices and models, the MMN Handbook covers a wide array of themes on migration and integration in the EU, with a particular emphasis on projects-actions implemented in the Mediterranean Basin. They represent the 4th annual collection of such practices identified, documented and published in the context of the programme with the aim to support all those involved in migration, integration and asylum by presenting, in a concise manner, successful and innovative approaches from across the EU.
The Mediterranean Migration Network has been active since 2012 and in the six years of its operation it sought and achieved to create a platform for the collaboration and synergies between organizations active in the fields of migration, integration and diversity. Providing a structure that can bring together professionals, practitioners and experts in the aforementioned fields, it paved the way towards the cooperation and joint actions by organizations and public institutions at a local, national and supranational level facilitating and fostering the exchange of information, experiences and best practices.