MOOCS4INCLUSION – Study Commissioned by JRC to CARDET

In alignment with the “Opening Up Education Communication” and the new priorities for the strategic framework for European Cooperation in Education and training (ET2020), in 2016, the Directorate General Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) of the European Commission commissioned the “Study on MOOCs and free digital learning for inclusion of migrants and refugees”. In this study a catalogue of free digital learning initiatives targeted to develop the skills needed by migrants and refuges in EU countries was produced. The final report of the study and the catalogue of initiatives can be accessed here.
Recently, a follow up study was launched with the aim of updating the catalogue and make it more comprehensive. This new phase of the study was commissioned to a team of researchers led by Dr. Charalambos Vrasidas and the international research center CARDET – Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology.
We are in the process of collecting initiatives and resources that relate to the subject of the study. Results from the study will support the Directorate General of Education and Culture of the European Commission with evidence for the development of relevant policies in the field of open and inclusive education. If you participated or if you are aware of any initiative that uses Free Digital Learning, (e.g. MOOCs, online courses, online handbooks, mobile apps, games, or other digital resources) to help refugees and migrants develop their skills and support their integration, please contact us.

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