MMN – Study Visit in the General Directorate of Social Services and Social Integration, Community of Madrid

Migration and integration of Third Country Nationals in host countries is one of the main priorities of the EU. In this framework, the Mediterranean Migration Network – MMN, since 2012, works towards the collaboration and exchange of good practices among public and private stakeholders active in the fields of migration and integration. One of the primary objectives of the network is to promote inclusion, diversity and cooperation models between public authorities as well as to develop a database of resources.
MMN organized a study visit for 7 servants of Cyprus public services, local authorities and NGOs to the Community of Madrid as it is one of the most experienced and competent local authorities in migration management and integration. The purpose of the study visit was for the participants from Cyprus to see, discuss, learn and exchange views on the processes/practices and policies implemented by various actors in Madrid region.
The study visit that took place on 20 and 21 June 2017, and it was attended by the Asociación La Rueca, Solidaridad sin Fronteras, Guaraní España, Fundación FIE and Asociación Humanismo and Democracia along with professionals from different Cypriot authorities such as the Ministry of Interior, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund – European Funds Unit of the Ministry of Interior (AMIF), the Asylum Service, the Migration Department, the Hope for Children CRC Policy Centre, the Municipality of Nicosia (Municipal Multipurpose Centre) and CARDET.
During the study visit, participants had the opportunity to discuss the work that is under development in the region of Madrid in an effort to achieve better coexistence and integration for all citizens settled in national and regional level. In addition, during the study visit to the Community of Madrid, additional visits were made to different centres, among others, to the headquarters of the General Directorate of Social Services and Social Integration, to the Centre of Participation and Integration of Migrants of the Community of Madrid (CEPI) of San Sebastian de los Reyes and finally to the Refugee Centre of Alcobendas.
In the link below you may access all the presentations provided during the MMN Study Visit by all host organizations in Madrid, which include the work of NGOs, local authorities and other relevant associations.
For more information you can download all the material form the study visit from the MMN eLibrary (registered users only). If you wish to register to the MMN platform click here.
* The 20th of June is marked as the World Refugee Day.