MMN International Conference

The Mediterranean Migration Network (MMN), with the coordination of the International Research Centre CARDET and the consulting firm Innovade LI ltd, organized its annual International Conference, on Thursday 14th of September 2017, at the University of Nicosia (Unesco amphitheater), under the topic “Organization, coordination and support of migratory flows and integration in the EU”.
This year’s international conference focused on the exchange of ideas and good practices within the EU, along with setting the framework of current migration and integration issues and organizational challenges of public and private stakeholders.
Participants of the conference included representatives of Cypriot public services, embassies, civil society organizations, academics, international organizations and agencies, educators, police officers and the general public. The representatives coming from the EU countries were Ms Dimitra Sitareniou from Xenios Polis, Greece, Ms Marcelle Bugre from the Foundation for shelter and support to migrants Marsa (FSM), Malta, Dr. Karolis Zibas from Diversity Development Group (DDG), Lithuania and Mr. Andras Kovats from the Hungarian Association for Migrants organization (Menedek), Hungary.
CARDET, member of the MMN secretariat, presented the activities and next steps of the Network as well as the potentials of the MMN as a case study on the role of Networks in supporting and managing migration and integration in Europe. Other topics presented during the conference session were the housing / refugee crisis in Greece, the Migrant Information Centre (MiHub), strategic planning and exemplary development of Non-Profit Organizations in the field of migration, refugees and asylum seekers in the European Union – new trends of migration policies and regional responses and local community integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary.
All conference presentations can be accessed here (registered users only).
Further to the scheduled agenda of the conference, participants had the opportunity to attend 3 specialized parallel workshops, relevant to the migration and integration topics presented within the conference. The subject of the 3 workshops were: “Stereotypes and Cultures: Teaching Strategies for Exploring and Exploiting them in a Multicultural Class”, “Practices of multilingualism and multiculturalism for children through new technologies” and “National platforms and diaspora organizations: organizational development”.
If you wish to learn more information on the Mediterranean Migration Network’s actions and activities you can register to the MMN platform here.