The International Research Centre CARDET in collaboration with the “Hope For Children” CRC Policy Centre organized a workshop through which they represented MEDIS Project along with the first phase of the project and the first findings from the ongoing research. The workshop took place on Thursday 21st of June 2018 at the Classic hotel in Nicosia.
The objectives of the workshop were the discussion of the concept of social inclusion/exclusion in schools along with the presentation of the first findings of the ongoing research of the first phase of the project. In addition, participants had the opportunity to learn more about the MEDIS handbook as well as the upcoming pilot interventions in schools.
What is more, the teachers who attended the workshop participated in a quick world café experiential workshop through which an effort was made to identify the following:
- Possible approaches for better integration of migrant students
- Pitfalls that are good to avoid
- Migrant students’ needs
- Educators’ needs in schools (in relation to the social inclusion of students/multicultural education)
The MEDIS project will be implementing activities with schools in an effort to strengthen and consolidate social inclusion in schools, intercultural education and local language in a multilingual context.
Should your school be interested to learn more and participate in the pilot phase please contact us at kyriaki.yiakoupi@cardet.org.

Target Groups
1, 2, 3, 4, 11Education Level
2, 3