According to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), over 1 million asylum-seekers and migrants reached the European Union via the Mediterranean in 2015 alone; that is, nearly five times as many as in 2014.
Integrating minority, migrant & refugee children at Mediterranean schools is a discussion on the role of education in the overall effort to integrate refugees & immigrants in European societies.
In this context the Mediterranean Inclusive Schools (MEDIS) Program through its lifecycle aims to strengthen and consolidate social cohesion, intercultural education and local language in a multilingual framework of newly arrived migrants at primary and secondary schools. MEDIS will pilot a new program based on past experience and actual societal needs.
In this framework, the MEDIS kick-off meeting took place on the 27th – 28th of February 2018 in Girona where partners discussed the objectives, work plan and deliverables of the project.
The partnership consists of 10 partners WORD UNIVERSITY SERVICE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN (WUSMED) – Spain which is also the coordinator of the project, Ajuntament de Maçanet de la Selva – Spain, Secció d’Institut de Maçanet de la Selva – Spain, HFC HOPE FOR CHILDREN CRC POLICY CENTER – Cyprus, CARDET – Cyprus, KENTRO MERIMNAS OIKOGENEIAS KAI PAIDIOU (KMOP) – Greece, SDRUDZENIE ZNAM I MOGA – Bulgaria, REGIONALNO UPRAVLENIE NA OBRAZOVANIETO SOFIA GRAD – Bulgaria, CESIE – Italy, Sociedade Promotora de Estabelecimentos de Ensino Lda – Portugal.
For further information please contact us.