During the development process of those outputs, all partners from Greece, Italy and Sweden have worked together for collecting the stories, pictures and drawings from their students. Then, CARDET put everything together, creating great visuals in the format of an interactive electronic book and video multimedia. With the cooperation of all partner countries, the material were then translated in all partner languages.
You can find the e-Book here and videos here.
The partners, during their 4th Partner Meeting in Parma, Italy on the 13th- 14th of February have set the guidelines on producing the other two outputs which are the “Anthology” and the “Teachers’ Kit”.
For doing so, the e-Book and videos produced will now be used in the classrooms as teaching materials and the students in cooperation with their teachers will reflect on them and create some new material and guidelines for all interested teachers who wish to include these material in their teaching curriculum for promoting the inclusion of refugee children at school.