CARDET has conducted an informational seminar for the purposes of the MEET project, within the framework of the “Combatting Bullying” workshop, on the 12th June 2017. The informational seminar took place at the premises of the University of Nicosia. A variety of stakeholders attended the seminar including teachers, other school staff, psychologists and parents. The participants were informed about the aim and objectives of the MEET project, the work produced so far by the consortium of partners, the educational application, the website and platform, which are currently under development. The participants also had discussions regarding the functions of the upcoming platform and educational application; and how these could benefit teachers and parents to exchange useful resources and ideas regarding innovative ways of education for children with additional needs and inclusive teaching approaches.
Participants had the opportunity of exploring the MEET website and the process of registering to the website to become members of the online community and get access to the E-Library. Discussions led to the provision of feedback in order to make the website and platform more effective for future users. All participants are now looking forward to explore the educational application for children aged 3-5 years old, which will offer a variety of activities and games, each of which will be tailored to the needs of the specific age group of children. The next steps of the project will focus on the finalisation of website, platform, E-guidelines for teachers and educational application. All the resources will be used during the two implementation phases of the project in 2018.
If you wish to acquire more information, get a free access to the project’s resources and get involved with the MEET project, please visit the project website.