Generativity Learning and Training Activities in Syros, Greece

A 5-days training event on PCM (Project Cycle Management) & European funding for the social sector, 12-17 of June 2017, Syros island, Greece.
The event started with testing of module 1 of the training set on PCM, which focuses on giving an overview on the financial and programmatic priorities of the EU2020 strategy within various programs. Main themes of discussion were the areas and priorities for the 7 years mandate of the EU2020 strategy, the structural funds and the funds for direct delivery, overview of the matrix of opportunities available in the 2014-2020 program, with specific attention to the social dimension.
Module 2 focused on the structure of an innovative and sustainable idea according to the principles of PCM. Main issues of discussion were procedures that allow organizations to pass from a project idea to its development into a formal project proposal, the analysis of the logical structure of the project intervention, how to pass from the need analysis to design of the SWOT matrix, the design of the objectives under the SMART matrix and their development into the logical framework to foster an innovative, sustainable and effective project idea.
Module 3 was about building an international, national and local partnership focusing on the differences between implementation and transfer of innovation and mainstreaming and things to consider when building the transnational dimension, such as the geographical balance, homogeneous entities, the allocation of responsibilities and operational management and the very central communication and collaboration aspect, with the related suggested ICT available tool.
Module 4 was dedicated to the submission procedures according to the guidelines of the European Commission: forms and attachments, required documents to be prepared etc.
Module 5 was about implementation, dissemination, valorization and communicative strategies, terms related to concepts that have precise meaning and logical implication within the framework of the development of an effective and sustainable project. Main emphasis was given on tools for monitoring and evaluating the process, the activities and the results. Emphasis was also given on the procedures for the administrative and financial management, to the overview of the eligibility criteria, the estimated budget with attention to the differences between direct costs, indirect costs, other costs and subcontracting rules.
All partners contributed with a constructive dialogue by bringing and sharing expertise and by giving feedback, elements that will contribute to improve the effectiveness of the first module of the training on PCM.

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