15 short-duration games aiming to improve adults’ financial literacy in topics such as “Money and Transactions”, “Planning and Management” and “Risk and Credit”, are now available.
These games are offered by the EUROINVESTMENT project and target adults with low financial literacy levels. In each of the three proposed themes, five games are offered with a progressive level of complexity. The complexity of the themes is also progressive, and users should start practicing their financial literacy skills with the theme “Money and Transactions” (which presents a more accessible level of knowledge), followed by the theme “Planning and Management” and, finally, the topic dedicated to “Risk and Credit”.
The objective is to allow adults to develop their financial literacy levels on the use of money in day-to-day transactions, on the use of different types of rates such as interest rates, exchange rates or discount rates on prices, understanding better what a family budget is and how can be efficiently managed, access to credit and the different options that may exist, how to save money over time and plan a reform or how to diversify an asset portfolio.
The games are simple and intuitive and can be used as many times any user want to consolidate the knowledge acquired. Each of them contains a short tutorial, an introduction to the objective of the game and information about the concepts that are explored in the game. The games are currently available in English but Portuguese, Spanish and Greek versions will be available soon, as well as two support manuals.
One of the support manuals will be aimed at trainers and tutors and seeks to support them in using the games as a training and learning resource, whether in formal or informal contexts. The second manual targets the adults, supporting them as independent users of games, in the context of informal learning.
The EUROINVESTMENT is a project supported by the European Commission’s Erasmus + Program, approved by the Portuguese National Agency for the Erasmus + Program, within the scope of Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education. Led by INOVA +, the project is promoted by a consortium of six organizations from three different countries, including: CESAE (Portugal), Acción Laboral and IEF (Spain) and CARDET and INNOVADE (Cyprus).

Target Groups
10, 13, 14, 15Education Level
7, 8