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EUROINVESTMENT releases a Strategic Plan to boost financial literacy among low-skilled adults in Europe

EUROINVESTMENT releases a Strategic Plan to boost financial literacy among low-skilled adults in Europe

The EUROINVESTMENT Erasmus+ project, which is being implemented in Cyprus by CARDET, has developed and released online its Strategic Plan for the Financial Education of low-skilled adults in Europe. The Plan is available in English and can be accessed on the project’s platform along with an executive summary, in English, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese and Greek, documenting gaps and needs in regards to financial literacy in Spain, Portugal and Cyprus.

The Strategic Plans encompasses the findings and conclusions of the research that the implementing partners have carried out and explores the Financial Literacy in the EU, also putting forward National Competency frameworks for Spain, Portugal and Cyprus along with already available games in this field. The Plan also puts forward a set of themes that need to be addressed in designing practical educational tools to enhance low-skilled adults’ financial knowledge and skills. Most importantly, the Consortium will use it as a guidebook to developing an effective and specifically tailored online game to boost the financial literacy of low-skilled adults (18-55-year-olds).

Euroinvestment seeks to design, test and make available an online game that will foster the skills and knowledge of low skilled adults in key themes of financial literacy. Ultimately, the project seeks to increase the capabilities of low-skilled adults, elevating their chances of securing better jobs and employment.

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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2018-1-PT01-KA204-047362]

Target Groups

10, 13, 14, 15

Education Level

7, 8