The partners of the ENACTED consortium, met online on November 10th and 11th 2020 for the project’s 2nd partnership meeting. During the two-days meeting, partners had the opportunity to discuss key milestones and to address future project challenges.
More specifically, the partners focused on the evaluation phase required in order to confine the list of inclusive education practices from CSO’s, grassroots initiatives, migrant-led initiatives, solidarity networks, etc. in partners countries but also outside at EU level. In addition, partners had a first glimpse on the ENACTED platform which was presented and launched.
The meeting was initially scheduled to take place in Greece, however, due to the outbreak of coronavirus the consortium decided to transfer it online.
ENACTED – European network of an active civil society for education and diversity – brings together a 6-party consortium from Italy, Greece, Cyprus, and Spain. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
For more information on the Enacted project, please visit: