CARDET held, on the 28th of November a workshop to test the training material developed by the project so that trainers can take advantage of its tools to engage their local community. The workshop was hosted by the Frederick University in Limassol and was attended by a mixed group featuring 22 adult educators and students in the field of education.
The workshop commenced with an introduction to the project, its objectives and the tools developed and delivered. Consecutively, the facilitator made a presentation of Europe’s 2020 strategy highlighting the importance of lifelong learning and project’s such as M-easy that seek to support individuals in enhancing their skills and knowledge in fulfilling its set goals. This presentation, set the ground for a group discussion that allowed participants to voice their opinions and share their views.
Following, the participants were divided into groups, each given a separate story to read and discuss internally. Having been given sufficient time to thoroughly explore the different aspects laid out by the stories they were called into the plenum and each group presented the story it discussed. During each presentation the groups discussed the aspects they have observed as being important in the integration process of each of the individuals along with the role education and training opportunities played.
Afterwards, the group dedicated a session for the participants to acquaint themselves to the website of the project and more specifically to it training course, e-guide. The workshop was concluded by a reflection session that allowed the participants to share their thoughts and views about the workshop, the project and the issues covered over the course of the seminar before they were asked to fill in the evaluation forms and were given their certificates of attendance.