CARDET proudly announces that BACKPACK ID, a 3- year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission was successfully completed in December 2020. BACKPACK ID, an innovative intervention aimed in promoting the inclusion of refugee children which are met with acute and very diverse challenges by the ongoing refugee crisis. Using a bottom-up participatory method, the BACKPACK ID addressed the importance of the students’ multiple identities and focused on refugees’ children social inclusion and interpersonal and intergroup understanding in the school environment.
The material produced in this project are an outcome of students and teachers work in the partner countries (Greece, Italy, Germany and Sweden). CARDET contributed to the work of this project at all times by providing a solid support with the development of the online platform that hosts the material and making the online learning environment as interactive and user-friendly as possible.
Being involved in the creation of the material, the students had the chance to present elements of their own story (personal, family, or community), of which they feel proud and think and reflect on the power, as well as the fluidity, they can use to describe themselves.
Visit https://backpackid.eu to explore the stories (e-book) and videos produced by the students. Also, if you are a teacher and wondering how you can use these material in your class, the Anthology and Teachers’ kit, produced by the teachers and researches of the BACKPACK ID team, can be also found in the platform and support you during the implementations.