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3rd Mediterranean Migration Booklet 2017

3rd Mediterranean Migration Booklet 2017


Policy and Practice in Migration and Integration: A collection of Case Studies, Testimonials and Collaborative Programs

The Mediterranean Migration Network invites you to submit cases of good practices for the publication of its 3rd Mediterranean Migration Booklet 2017, focusing on the theme of migration and integration in the EU (with particular focus on the Mediterranean Basin).

The publication of the Mediterranean Migration Booklet is a great opportunity for organizations who are active in these fields to disseminate, promote and present their work and activities in relevant stakeholders and practitioners worldwide.

The Booklet’s articles will be peered reviewed and will be published both digitally and in hardcopy format. The Network will extensively disseminate the booklet in a global scale.

For details on the call of collection of good practices, deadlines, and the requirements click here.

The action “Integration Network” (Action 2/3-CY/2018/AMIF/SO2.NO3.3.1/2) is co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (90%) and the Republic of Cyprus (10%)

Target Groups

8, 12, 16, 18

Education Level