The Drop-in project’s main objective is to enhance the basic and transversal skills and competences of young people, who have dropped out of the formal education system, (re)introducing them in informal and non-formal learning, based on an innovative, tailor-made capacity-building model, with the aim to ultimately facilitate their socio-economic (re)integration and employability.
The consortium of partners had an extensive discussion on the “Needs Identification and Analysis”, which indicated the needs of ESLs in all the participating countries and revealed that there is a lack of flexibility and social skills, as well as literacy and numeracy skills, in relation to the Early School Leavers (ESLs). Partners also discussed about the modules that are currently developing in order to develop and make available a holistic e-learning and networking platform, which will correspond to the needs of young drop-outs and ESLs. This platform will ultimately provide them with a better chance of finding a job or in case they are already employed, to have a chance of finding something better. Furthermore, there was a fruitful discussion on the gamification elements that will be incorporated in the platform to successfully engage ESLs into learning opportunities and offer them a positive learning experience. The next steps of the project are currently to finalise the modules and create the gamified e-learning platform in order to start piloting and implementing the educational materials.
The next project meeting of the Drop-in project will take place in Greece during February 2019. In addition, partners will have the opportunity to attend the first Drop-in International Conference, which will take place during the same period in Greece.