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1st SIMILAR project newsletter

1st SIMILAR project newsletter

The integration of people immigrating presents a special challenge; it is a complex and long-term undertaking. Everyone should make an effort to foster the successful integration of immigrants. Those in favour of immigration are persons closely working with migrants, they represent educational sectors: teachers, trainers, educators; or social and care sectors: volunteers, social care workers, municipal guards, police etc.

The project SIMILAR aims at fostering integration of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers through a multi-dimensional approach which includes multicultural approach and empowering measures in the areas of integration and social welfare.

This newsletter represents selected highlights of the work done during the first 6 months of the project, through a sample of the latest project outputs and related news stories by project partners.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2016-1-PL01-KA204-026654]

Target Groups

1, 6, 8, 11

Education Level