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It’s Time to Raise the BAR Against Racism Across Schools

It’s Time to Raise the BAR Against Racism Across Schools

In a bid to tackle racism head-on within educational institutions, the Raise the BAR initiative has been launched, marking a pivotal moment in the fight against discrimination in schools. The initiative aims to instill anti-racism principles deeply within the fabric of educational systems across Cyprus and Europe.

At its core, Raise the BAR seeks to empower educators with the necessary tools and strategies to cultivate anti-racism attitudes and behaviors among students. Recognising the pivotal role of teachers in shaping young minds, the initiative prioritises comprehensive training programs designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively implement anti-racism pedagogy in their classrooms.

The partner meeting, held in Valencia earlier this month, marked a significant milestone in the initiative’s journey. Participants convened to outline a roadmap for the project, with discussions centering on key steps to be taken, including forthcoming teacher training sessions and the development of a policy paper outlining practical recommendations for fostering inclusive environments within schools.

With tensions surrounding racial inequality and discrimination on the rise globally, the need for action within educational settings has never been more pressing. As the initiative gains momentum, stakeholders remain optimistic about the transformative impact it will have on shaping the attitudes and behaviors of future generations, paving the way for a more equitable and just society.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000151816

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, School leaders, School staff, Parents, Academics, Researchers, Policy makers, Trainers, Adult educators, Public bodies, General public

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary, Teacher education, Adult education, Professional education