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eDialogue – Using digital tools for dialogue and inclusion

eDialogue –  Using digital tools for dialogue and inclusion

eDialogue aims to educate and empower educators, offering them opportunities to enhance their professional skills, image, and role by learning new and innovative methodologies that will develop their skills in open dialogue moderation. In doing so, it will enable them to become active and skilled leaders in the use of digital tools and open dialogue for social inclusion among students. Specifically, the tools and methodologies that will be developed will support educators in using open dialogue to address current aspects of social exclusion such as discrimination, segregation and racism, bullying and cyber bullying, radicalisation, fake news, and other online misinformation. Through this innovative and integrated approach e-Dialogue addresses diversity and promotes non-discrimination and social inclusion, directly supporting the ‘Social inclusion’ priority.

This was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of and its project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union [eDialogue Project No: KA220-SCH-E5D4D8FA].

Target Groups

Teachers, School leaders, School staff, Policy makers

Education Level

Secondary, Teacher education