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Added Value Learning for Preschool and Primary School Teachers & Pedagogical Coordinators

Added Value Learning for Preschool and Primary School Teachers & Pedagogical Coordinators

 AVAL is a project with the aim to design, test and implement an innovative practice-oriented learning environment focused ethics and value education. The project approaches a critical thinking approach based on 3 pillars: (1) ethic values (personal values – one “self”); (2) democratic and societal values (as we live in a society –One “self and the others”); and (3) environmental values (as we live on the planet earth). Among the main outputs of the project include a transnational curriculum for the partner’s countries, open educational resources and peer-to-peer learning methods, a collection of innovative practices in 0-6 and 6-11 school education in the field of ethics and values education, and a resource center on ethics, values and critical thinking education aimed at increasing the awareness on the importance of moral obligations and social values so as to strengthen its educational structures in a system of values supported by all relevant stakeholders.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.[2017-1-ES01-KA201-038113]

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, School leaders, School staff, Parents, Academics, Researchers, Professionals, Youth, Adults, Policy makers, Trainers, Adult educators

Education Level

Kindergarten, Primary education, Teacher education, Higher education, Adult education