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PartnerUp – Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement for Upskilling Pathways

PartnerUp – Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement for Upskilling Pathways

Partner UP aims to improve Upskilling Pathways’ implementation to benefit adult learners and increase their participation in lifelong learning opportunities. The project not only targets a key feature of the Recommendation of Upskilling Pathways but also provides a crucial basis for the European Skills Agenda as it overlaps with other sectors and will build on cooperation that are important for different areas of the Skills Agenda.

It is also the basis for the Renewed Agenda for adult learning. The Agenda is the European policy for a comprehensive adult learning concept and strategy for Europe, which needs the basic skills approach of Upskilling Pathways, so close cooperation and alignment with the outcomes of the Partner UP project will make the most of the results.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number : 101087193

Target Groups

Adults, Policy makers, VET professionals, Adult educators, Public bodies

Education Level

VET, Adult education, Professional education