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Intergenerational mentoring and learning in the workplace

Intergenerational mentoring and learning in the workplace

With increasingnumbers of employed people with jobs at risk due to advances in technology or demand for new skillsets and approximately 7 out of 10 EU workers requiring at least moderate digital skills to do their job (Cedefop), the digitalisation of jobs and tasks is an emerging trend. This means that training adults for acquiring core skills needed to succeed in their careers is vital for their future employability. The EU Commission communicated an inclusion and diversity strategy in 2017 promoting the inclusion of older staff to equal work opportunities as younger staff. 

The LearnGenproject’s focus is to combat segregation, discrimination, and social exclusion of marginalised workers. It supports older workers (aged 50+) as well as young workers (18-30 years) to develop necessary core skills to teach and learn from each other, making them less vulnerable to professional challenges. The main project outcomes include an Intergenerational Learning Curriculum, a Training Package for employees trained to become Mentors and an eLearning Platform and OERs available to the general public. LearnGen also supports SME managers, HR Managers and Trainers to design, implement and monitor effective inclusive policies and practices. The project is expected to bring about deeper understanding at organisational and transnational level, on combating ageism and social exclusion.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein[Project Number:2020-1-BG01-KA202-079064]

Target Groups

Professionals, Adults, Trainers, VET professionals, Adult educators, Disadvantaged, Elderly

Education Level

K12, Higher education, VET, Adult education, Professional education