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HYPER – How Young People are Engaged by Radicals

HYPER – How Young People are Engaged by Radicals

HYPER is a 2-year Erasmus+ KA2 Project that wishes to contribute in tackling the ongoing threat of violent extremism in Europe by developing an understanding and responses to the youth radicalization processes and approaches that feed it.The project will work towards the design and production of a full suite of educational resources that show the process of radicalization in action. These resources will focus on demonstrating how radicalisation can happen on the most popular digital and social media platforms where today’s young people hang out and where many are at their most vulnerable. To accompany these simulation resources the project consortium will develop a peer training programme for young people interested in being credible voices against radical extremist rhetoric and actions. To support these youth professionals HYPER will develop bespoke in-service and induction training programmes to enable them to extract the maximum benefit from the full range of proposed tools.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: 2018-3-DE04-KA205-017197]

Target Groups

Students, School leaders, Youth, Policy makers, Trainers, General public

Education Level

Adult education