Green IT Your Work : Youth debates about EuropeanDigital Age

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on millions of people in the EU, with many losing their jobs or experienced significant income loss . This means lots of folks will have to learn new skills or find work in different industries. And for young people just starting out, getting into the job market can be really tough, especially because things are changing so quickly due to technology, shifts in population, climate issues, and how connected our world is. Looking ahead to 2023, these challenges are still there, but now we’re also dealing with the aftermath of the pandemic, which has made things even more difficult.
The main goal of the project Green IT Your Work – Youth Debates about European Digital Age is to emphasize how young people can play a crucial role in green transition as well as promoting the creation of green jobs to help make European cities cleaner, especially in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Another important goal is to get young people talking, sharing ideas, and actively participating in decisions about how we can make Europe greener.
Stay tuned by following the project’s social media page on Facebook and Instagram.

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