GoSport: Promoting good governance in sports through social responsibility

GoSport is a European project aiming to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities by improving good governance in sports. In order to contribute to the improvement of good governance in sports organizations in Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Italy, GoSport aims at:
- Enhancing the capacities and awareness of sports clubs/organizations, professional and semi-professional sports teams and clubs on implementing good governance principles through social responsibility, focusing on participation and inclusivity irrespective of gender, race, disability or age, and the promotion of human rights.
- Improving knowledge on how sports organizations interpret, manage and prioritize social responsibility issues – especially in terms of combating violence, tackling racism, discrimination and intolerance, and encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities –, how organizational governance influences social responsibility and how social responsibility is communicated within the organizations.
- Providing tools to sports organizations and professionals for understanding the relationships among the organizations, its stakeholders and society, and integrating socially responsible organizational governance practices.
- Promoting the participation and inclusivity principles in sports through responsibility.

European Commission’s support for the production of this content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 613172]
https://www.gosportproject.eu/Target Groups
Professionals, Adults, Policy makers
Education Level
Adult education, Professional education