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Extending teachers’ competences in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to refugee children

Extending teachers’ competences in the effective teaching of literacy, numeracy and digital skills to refugee children

The project addresses the sectorial priority “Tackling early school leaving and disadvantage” and the horizontal priority “Supporting educators”. Through the building of the competences of secondary school teachers (professional development) in the teaching of literacy, numeracy and/or digital skills to refugee and migrant children with learning gaps due to interrupted education.

The proposed project aims are:

  • Extending and enhancing the skills and competences of secondary school teachers’ in the teaching of literacy, numeracy and/or digital skills to refugee and/or migrant children with learning gaps due to interrupted education and with minimal native (or English) language skills;
  • Providing secondary school teachers and school heads with access to a diagnostic tool for the effective assessment of literacy, numeracy and digital competences, gaps and needs of refugee pupils, so as to differentiate learning needs and make informed planning decisions to better address the actual needs of the pupils and assist them in closing the gaps caused by interrupted education, thus reducing the chances of early school leaving.
  • Promoting innovative practices, digital and non-digital, in teaching literacy, numeracy and digital competences to refugee (and/or migrant children) with interrupted education.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any us which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project Number: 2019-1-MT01-KA201-051267 ]

Target Groups


Education Level
