Developing innovative video competencies for teachers of the Green Industry

The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the necessity of a digital transition in every level of the society, which has emerged another reality, in order to promote a digital society, first is it necessary to equip teachers with the necessary competences to fully exploit the potential of digital technologies in education, and adequately prepare learners to live and work in a digital society. On the other hand, during the last years, online videos have been growing in day-to-day use, placing themselves as the main daily used format on mobile phones, rising consumption by 100% per year and consuming more than 70% of internet traffic in 2020.
The VideoTeach project aims to develop educators’ digital competences and promote video education as the main tool for digital teaching.
The project also will work towards:
● promoting video education in rural areas, by providing rural teachers with competences and tools covering digital and video necessities.
● promoting video education in the green industry, supporting the development of methodologies, tools, and video contents in the specific industries of renewable energy.
● supporting rural teachers in the development of their professional career by facilitating the recognition of existing digital learning outcomes, providing structured training and more.

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