Designing and supporting inclusive practices in Higher Education

The InclusiveHE project focuses on supporting inclusiveness towards individuals of diverse ethnic or social backgrounds, regardless of religion, sexual orientation, migrants, people with disabilities, and other disadvantaged groups in higher education. InclusiveHE will develop the tools and resources that will support universities and other higher education institutions to develop innovative policies and practices for integrating inclusive practices in the process of designing and teaching courses and is expected to elevate the supply of high quality inclusive higher education opportunities for all.
Target groups and stakeholders in higher education, including education faculty and instructors, policymakers, and university leadership teams, learning designers, and support staff as well as students, will benefit from receiving innovative and quality guidelines and support regarding the development of inclusive practices that foster inclusion. In specific, target groups will be introduced to the stages of the design-thinking approach in order to apply this method in the design of their education programmes. This methodology serves as a framework that helps individuals to define problems, collaborate with others, develop possible solutions, and refine them through various reiterations until a viable solution is generated.

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