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CTApp: Teaching Students Computational Thinking Through a Mobile Application

CTApp: Teaching Students Computational Thinking Through a Mobile Application

Computational Thinking as a fundamental competency that all literate citizens should develop through compulsory education, to complement the three other core skills, that is, reading, writing, and mathematics. Computational Thinking (CT) is a thought process (or a human thinking skill) that uses analytic and algorithmic approaches to formulate,analyse and solve problems.

In recent years, Computational Thinking (CT) have also been promoted by most educational stakeholders as a skill that is as fundamental for all as numeracy and literacy and is considered a universal competence,which should be added to every child’s analytical ability as a vital ingredient of their school learning.

In this context, the CTApp project aims to develop create a mobile game that encourages young people to acquire computational thinking skills.

In particular,the project has three objectives:

  1. A State of the Art on Serious Gaming & Computational Thinking.
  2. The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Mobile Serious Game in Computational Thinking (CTApp).

Teacher Training Courses & Materials development on using the CTApp mobile game (e.g., handbooks &instructive videos).

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein[Project Number: KA201-28B5C4B3]

Target Groups

Teachers, Students

Education Level
