CTApp: Teaching Students Computational Thinking Through a Mobile Application

Computational Thinking as a fundamental competency that all literate citizens should develop through compulsory education, to complement the three other core skills, that is, reading, writing, and mathematics. Computational Thinking (CT) is a thought process (or a human thinking skill) that uses analytic and algorithmic approaches to formulate,analyse and solve problems.
In recent years, Computational Thinking (CT) have also been promoted by most educational stakeholders as a skill that is as fundamental for all as numeracy and literacy and is considered a universal competence,which should be added to every child’s analytical ability as a vital ingredient of their school learning.
In this context, the CTApp project aims to develop create a mobile game that encourages young people to acquire computational thinking skills.
In particular,the project has three objectives:
- A State of the Art on Serious Gaming & Computational Thinking.
- The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Mobile Serious Game in Computational Thinking (CTApp).
Teacher Training Courses & Materials development on using the CTApp mobile game (e.g., handbooks &instructive videos).

Target Groups
Education Level