BSB – Building Social Bridges by Entrepreneurial Thinking

The overall aim of this project is to facilitate and pave the way for sustainable social inclusion among socially marginalized groups through improving their entrepreneurial mind-set and competences. In the project we focus on increasing social capital which often goes hand in hand with the increasing of cultural and economic capital. Social capital has commonly been used as a term to characterize the networks that link people together in useful ways (bridging capital) and build reciprocity and social solidarity through shared norms and loyalties (bonding capital). Social capital is a constructive source of participation and community relations; thus it is an important resource for adult learners aiming at better accessing labour market, local communities and social groups.
To increase any type of capital, an entrepreneurial mind-set and entrepreneurial competences are needed. What is important in the project approach is that we do not work on entrepreneurship with the objective to create small companies, businesses etc. We focus on entrepreneurial thinking as a means to increasing social capital to motivate people to create, or access and develop networks and communities to link people to the external environment beyond the confines of one´s own affinity group. They should become change makers of their life as well as in the community. The main strategy to achieve this goal is to work with role models – preferable role models who have faced challenges comparable to those the learners are facing.
The project will result in 3 intellectual outputs:
- A review on recent research of good practice in working on the entrepreneurial mind-set and competences and of working with role models.
- Portraits of role models for entrepreneurial thinking highlighting why people have had success and have been able to increase their social capital.
- A toolkit for teachers, trainers, stakeholders and multipliers.

https://buildingsocialbridges.euTarget Groups
Education Level