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ARTSKUL – Music, Drama and Storytelling Resources for Competence Building with Marginalised Adults

ARTSKUL – Music, Drama and Storytelling Resources for Competence Building with Marginalised Adults

ARTSKUL project proposes an innovative service that uses performance arts disciplines, including music, drama, and storytelling, to build a suite of embedded learning educational resources to shape key transversal skills of low skilled adults. Partners are convinced that the traditional ‘sage-on-the-stage’ model of education is of little initial value in the current context. If educators are to attract adults on the margins of provision, a new, more holistic approach to teaching, is required. In a pedagogic context, the performing arts of storytelling, drama and music have faded into the background and are rarely now considered as appropriate techniques for key competence building. However, in the current context, with the low levels of literacy and numeracy within the marginalised adults, activities focusing on storytelling, drama and music, could be considered as effective techniques to help overcome social and cultural barriers and build key competences among the marginalised adult communities.

ARTSKUL partners will develop a toolkit of embedded learning resources to build basic skills and competences that are based around the different performing arts disciplines; a digital skills training framework; an in-service training programme for adult educators; and a bespoke online learning environment for adult learners and adult educators.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein [Project number: 2019-1-DK01-KA204-060174].

Target Groups

Professionals, Adults, Migrants

Education Level

Adult education, Professional education