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VideoTeach Releases Its Video Course for VET Trainers

VideoTeach Releases Its Video Course for VET Trainers

Following another successful transnational partner meeting in Karaman, Turkey – the VideoTeach project has marked significant progress towards making video teaching accessible to all. 

In particular, the meeting hosted by Temizel, Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, (Ünlü Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi) from 5th to 6th of February has given all partners the opportunity to finalise important deliverables including:

As part of the meeting proceedings, the partners also had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and best practices with teachers and school administration, as well as observe classes, visit laboratories and learn about the school activities and initiatives. All these insights only further reaffirmed the course of direction for the VideoTeach project, and provided additional tips on the next steps of this initiative, including the finalisation of the VideoTeach platform.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000032990]

Target Groups

Teachers, Trainers, VET professionals, Adult educators

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary, Teacher education, Higher education, VET, Adult education, Professional education