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VAM Realities project successfully completed

VAM Realities project successfully completed

The end of the year marks the completion of the VAM Realities. The project kick-off back in January 2020 in an aim to provide higher education institutions with skills to guide SMEs into the adoption of VR and AR technologies and the integration of these technologies into their business operations.

In its 16 months of implementation the project has developed a suite of resources for higher education institutions, which include:

  • the VAM Realities State of the Art XR Technology Report: State of the Art Report that provides an overview of the most important and efficient VR/AR/MR technologies currently available to companies and what kind of hardware and software is successfully used in the various industries.
  • the VAM Realities European Survey Report: The report highlights the findings from a Pan-European Survey with 300 SMEs aiming to map the knowledge and needs of companies in regard to XR technology and how they are already benefiting from these technologies.
  • the VAM Realities platform: an online platform offering unique networking opportunities within the field of XR technologies. The platform hosts the VAM Realities Network, an online repository of more than 350 registered XR experts and XR enthusiasts from Europe and the whole world. The platform also hosts the EU XR projects showcase, where you can get access to more than 40 EU-funded XR-related projects from all around Europe.
  • the SME Online Skills Gap Detector: an online self-assessment tool that allows companies/SMEs to find out how well prepared they are – or not – for the increasing importance of VR/AR/MR in their industries.
  • the VAM Realities University Business Cooperation Handbook: a practical handbook which addresses how Higher Education Institutes can support manufacturing SMEs to adopt and integrate XR technologies successfully into their business operations.

You can find more information about the VAM Realities project at the project’s website:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.[612618-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA]

Target Groups

6, 8, 10

Education Level