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UxGE Initiative Progresses: Online Training Course Development Underway

UxGE Initiative Progresses: Online Training Course Development Underway

In a bid to cultivate a generation of environmentally conscious leaders, the United for a Green Europe (UxGE) project convened its 2nd Transnational Coordination Meeting in Virginia, Ireland, from April 23rd to 24th, 2024. 

With a vision to equip youth leaders with the essential competencies for shaping a sustainable future, the UxGE project’s 2nd Transnational Coordination Meeting charted significant milestones towards its objectives. In particular, the gathering, aimed at fostering coordination and progress, saw pivotal discussions on the development of an Online Training Course to empower youth leaders in advocating for a greener, more inclusive Europe. 

Tasked with addressing youth leaders, the course will encompass modules on Leadership, Critical Thinking, Initiative, Entrepreneurship, and Environmental Challenges. Emphasising a holistic approach, the consortium will oversee the course’s design and execution, aiming to deliver a comprehensive educational tool that fosters both personal growth and environmental awareness.

The meeting’s success signifies a significant stride forward for the UxGE initiative, marking a concerted effort to nurture a cadre of youth leaders poised to spearhead positive change in Europe’s environmental landscape. With plans set in motion, the project remains steadfast in its mission to cultivate a generation of empowered advocates for a greener, more inclusive, and sustainable Europe.

The project \”United for a Green Europe\” is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Project No. 101131656

Target Groups

Youth, Adults, VET professionals

Education Level

Secondary, Higher education, VET, Adult education, Professional education