TUA Pilots Its Training for Professionals Working with Youth with ASD/SD

The Unexpected Artepreneur (TUA) project is happy to announce the successful completion of its 2-day pilot training for professionals working with youth youth on the Autism Spectrum and Down Syndrome at Toxotis Charitable Foundation in Nicosia.
Aimed at forstering a deeper sense of belonging and inclusion of the young people with ASD/DS in the society, this Erasmus+ initiative leverages ‘artepreneurship’ to empower individuals and initiate different touchpoints in the community. To effectively achieve that, the project consortium has developped a comprehensive Training Curriculum to help professionals confidently incorporate this innovative and creative approach in their line of work.
During the pilot training, the psychologists and SEN educators got a firsthand look at TUA Training Curriculum and more importantly, offered their invaluable feedback and recommentations. This is a critical element for further refinement and enhancement of the proposed curriculum, before it will be available as part on an e-learning course to all for free.
For more annoucements on TUA Training Curriculum and the launch of the TUA – Express Yourself platform, please check out the TUA website. More updates are coming soon.

https://www.tua-project.eu/Target Groups
Youth, Trainers, VET professionals, Adult educatorsEducation Level
Adult education, Professional education