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The VETENTRE Project reaches its fruition

The VETENTRE Project reaches its fruition

After a fantastic two-year journey that engaged more than two hundred European practitioners in VET education, the consortium of the VETENTRE project is proud to launch not only policy recommendations and a toolkit with strategies for VET educators and VET education providers but also an innovative fully self-learning platform.

The VETENTRE project will be officially completed by the end of this month. The project kicked-off in December 2020 aiming to support VET educators to design programmes and activities that promote the entrepreneurial mindset of trainees. To this end, VETENTRE developed a set of resources for VET educators and trainers, as well as adult educators, and other trainers to empower VET educators to develop their entrepreneurial mindset and to make VET education more attractive across Europe, focusing on the entrepreneurial skills of trainers and their capacity to design programmes and activities for learners.

The resources developed by the project include:

  • Entrepreneurship Toolkit for VET: VETENTRE has developed a Toolkit for VET educators that includes resources for integrating entrepreneurship in VET and supporting VET educators to develop entrepreneurship competencies. The Toolkit is aligned with the national frameworks for VET and Entrepreneurship and the EntreComp Framework that was developed by the European Commission.
  • E-learning space and VET entrepreneurship gamified environment: An E-learning platform and OERs that features a self-paced E-learning Course for VET educators, with online training modules that focus on developing the entrepreneurial competences of VET trainers. The E-learning space also hosts an e-Library with useful resources related to VET education needs and priorities.
  • VET and Entrepreneurship curricula: a comprehensive curriculum and training materials infusing entrepreneurship into VET, based on EntreComp and the resources of the VETENTRE Toolkit. The Curriculum includes four Modules supporting VET trainers to better design programmes and activities that promote the entrepreneurial mindset of trainees. Additionally, the training modules have been developed as a self-paced e-learning course, which is open for all VET trainers on the project’s e-learning platform.
  • Policy and practice recommendations derived from VET stakeholder consultations in each partner country.

Over the course of the project, the partners actively engaged VET trainers, VET providers, adult educators, education policymakers, academics, and specialists in all partner countries to identify and document the national and European needs and to ensure the relevance of the project’s results.

These tools and resources have been developed based on the findings of an extensive survey that took place in the beginning of the project in countries of the organisations participating in the consortium and in Europe in general.

The project has also produced a policy recommendation summarising lessons-learned, providing guidance for VET educators and VET education providers and decision-makers. This set of recommendations will be building a bridge between policymakers, organisations, and providers working in VET and add to the dialogue on European-wide policy and its initiatives related to VET, adult learning, and lifelong learning.

For more information on the VETENTRE project, you can visit the project’s website at, or on the project’s Facebook page at

“The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” Project Number: 2020-1-DE02 KA202-007504

Target Groups

12, 14

Education Level

6, 7, 8, 9