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Leading a Pivotal e-Learning Session in Italy with Robo Aquaria Project

Leading a Pivotal e-Learning Session in Italy with Robo Aquaria Project

We are thrilled to share another milestone for the RoboAquaria Project, marked by our recent participation in the Learning, Teaching, and Training Activities (LTTA) held in Ancona, Italy. This event provided a valuable opportunity for our team to reconnect with partners and deepen our collaborative efforts.

During the training, CARDET and INNOVADE spearheaded “Session 5: e-Learning Toolkit and Open Educational Resources (OERs).” This critical session showcased the cutting edge tools and resources developed throughout the RoboAquaria Project. Educators and staff from partner organizations were introduced to the RoboAquaria platform and received hands-on training with its features, including the RoboAquaria toolkit, which encompasses the Methodological Framework, RoboAquaria Guidelines, Marine Robotics Curriculum, e-Learning Toolkit components, and Open Educational Resources (OERs).

The meeting also featured a lively exchange of ideas about Educational Robotics in Europe. This interaction offered a valuable platform for sharing insights from different projects and classroom experiences, fostering a collaborative spirit aimed at advancing educational practices.

We look forward to sharing more updates on our initiatives and collaborative efforts. For more information about the project please visit our official website.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. [Project number: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000089578]

Target Groups

Teachers, Students, School staff, Policy makers

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary

