Reflecting on Green League’s Impactful Journey Thus Far

Green League, a project aimed at strengthening the link between the environment and sports through experiential learning and promoting outdoor physical activity has certainly made enormous progress over the last few months. Through dedicated actions, the partners have implemented a number of activities aimed at encouraging the population to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts and of promoting healthy lives and well-being for everyone, all while using sport as a tool to generate environmental awareness while contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
In particular, the Green League project carried out 8 sports events in each partner coutry centering around four natural elements – fire, earth, water, and air. Enjoyed by all the participants, the activities certainly resulted in deeper appreciation for human impact and environment. But don’t take our word for it, check out the testimonials from all across Europe here:
Want to learn more about the Green League’s progress thus far? Don’t forget to download the newsletter below for a more detailed breakdown and, of course, keep your eye out for the upcoming Green League Local Tournaments for an opportunity to get involved! More information coming soon!

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