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GIFTLED Project Concludes, Advancing STEAM Education for Gifted Students

GIFTLED Project Concludes, Advancing STEAM Education for Gifted Students

The GIFTLED Project has successfully concluded, aiming to support gifted students in STEAM education by developing innovative methods and resources for educators. The project introduced digital and augmented reality tools to better engage gifted learners and address their unique educational needs.

GIFTLED provided professional development for teachers through a comprehensive handbook covering giftedness, STEAM education, the “Learning by Design” approach, and the GIFTLED Method. Additionally, an augmented reality case studies brochure was created, illustrating how AR applications can be used in specific learning scenarios.

The project also produced Toolkit Introduction Videos (TIVs) for each digital and augmented reality application used in STEAM disciplines. These videos highlight application features and demonstrate their integration into STEAM education through the “Learning by Design” approach. Furthermore, a curriculum was developed to showcase how the GIFTLED Method can promote the inclusion and education of gifted and talented students in STEAM subjects.

Research shows that gifted students benefit from specialized educational methods that both include them in learning activities and nurture their talents. Experts emphasize that meeting the educational needs of gifted learners can help them excel in school and contribute meaningfully to society. The GIFTLED project addresses this by creating targeted educational methods and resources that empower students to transform their knowledge into creative educational products.

Moreover, training in the “Learning by Design” approach and the toolkit for digital and virtual applications enhances teachers’ pedagogical skills. This equips them to lead teaching activities where students actively build and design their knowledge using digital and augmented reality tools.

The project’s outcomes will continue to support educators and schools in fostering inclusive, dynamic STEAM learning environments.

Learn more about the GIFTLED Project here

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Number: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-SCH-000087644

Target Groups

Teachers, Students

Education Level

Primary education, Secondary