EduChampions Project Concludes with Final TPM in Bilbao

On October 9, 2024, the final Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the EduChampions Project took place in Bilbao, Spain. This meeting marked a significant milestone, as participants reviewed the e-learning platform and its suite of tools designed to empower teachers in effectively integrating online resources into their classrooms. The discussions focused on refining these tools, which have already generated considerable interest among educators across Europe.
Key tasks from the project’s work packages were reviewed during the meeting. WP1 (Project Management) outlined the timeline for completing evaluations and impact assessments by mid-November, while WP2 (Project Sharing) highlighted the upcoming release of the 4th newsletter and updates to dissemination materials by late October. WP3 focused on creating infographics and case studies showcasing educators’ experiences with online tools, and WP4 concentrated on finalizing modules on Pedagogy, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. WP5 emphasized classroom-based examples, with reviews and corrections slated for completion by mid-October.
The meeting also highlighted real-world success stories, with educators sharing how the platform’s tools have transformed teaching practices by fostering innovation and encouraging entrepreneurial thinking. As the EduChampions Project nears its conclusion, the focus now shifts to refining the final resources and preparing them for broad distribution, ensuring a lasting impact on the future of education and digital learning integration.
The EduChampions Project aims to foster edupreneurship and champion innovative, learner-centered pedagogical practices by leveraging the meaningful use of digital resources for learning. The project’s overarching goal is to create conditions that effectively address learner diversity while promoting inclusive and equitable educational approaches. It emphasizes the crucial role educators play in driving and sustaining innovation, expanding opportunities within the VET ecosystem and beyond.
Find out more about the EduChampions Project here.

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Teachers, School leaders, School staff, AcademicsEducation Level
VET, Adult education, Professional education