CARDET Supports Green School Network Tree-Planting Initiative in Cyprus

In a significant step towards promoting environmental awareness and sustainability, students from Agios Antonios Lyceum participated in a tree-planting event at D Primary School in Limassol on January 31st, 2025. This initiative, part of the Green School Network, led by Global Education and the North-South Centre, aims to engage youth with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Approximately 20 enthusiastic students from Agios Antonios Lyceum planted around 15 trees in the school yard, using digging and planting tools provided by their school. The event was part of a broader campaign that included similar tree-planting activities across high schools in Cyprus, Greece, Syria, and Tunisia. The overarching goal is to educate students on environmental preservation and raise awareness of the importance of the SDGs.
Before planting, students received an introductory session on SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and 13 (Climate Action), along with hands-on guidance on proper tree-planting techniques. Following the event, an online meeting was held with international collaborators, allowing students to share their experiences and best practices with their peers from other countries.
In Cyprus, the initiative was led by CARDET, highlighting the Centre’s commitment to fostering environmental consciousness among the younger generation. This tree-planting event not only enhanced the school’s greenery but also instilled a sense of responsibility in students, empowering them to contribute actively to a sustainable future.


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