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CARDET Participates in Teacher’s Day Professional Development Sessions

CARDET Participates in Teacher’s Day Professional Development Sessions

On December 12, 2024, CARDET actively contributed to the professional development sessions organized as part of the “Teacher’s Day” event for General Secondary, Technical, and Vocational Education and Training educators. The event, hosted by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, served as a platform for sharing innovative practices aimed at improving school environments and supporting educational professionals.

Education is a fundamental pillar of CARDET’s work, and with many years of experience in implementing innovative programs, the organization plays a key role in empowering educators and enhancing the learning experience. As part of the event, CARDET delivered two impactful presentations:

Collegiality and Wellbeing in the School Environment
This session, presented within the frameworks of the COSERE, Ageing Well projects, addressed the importance of fostering collaboration and promoting wellbeing among educators. The sessions were held at Zakaki Gymnasium and Laniteio High School in Limassol. During these sessions, an introduction to positive psychology and the PERMA model, which promotes well-being, was provided. Educators were divided into groups and outlined the profile of the “ideal colleague”. They explored challenges and engaged in brainstorming sessions to generate creative actions aimed at fostering collegiality. These ideas were later presented to the plenary session and their school administration.

Wellbeing in the School Environment through Inclusive Education
This session, drawing from the ACT-Inclusive project, emphasized the principles of inclusive education and the importance of creating supportive, inclusive spaces for both students and teachers. It was held at Ayios Antonios High School in Limassol.

Application of Educational Digital Activities for Climate Change and Sustainable Mobility
Focusing on the enhancement of Education for Sustainable Development and Global Education within the framework of the SMILE Project, this session was presented at Agios Antonios High School in Limassol.

CARDET’s participation underscores its commitment to promoting wellbeing and inclusivity in education, aligning with its broader mission to elevate the quality of teaching and learning in schools.


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