CARDET Responds to the Call for Pan-European Action to Tackle Digital Divide

As digital innovation advances, the importance of digital literacy and inclusion becomes increasingly critical for both personal and professional life. According to the European Union, more than 90% of jobs in Europe already require basic digital knowledge alongside traditional skills. However, the same research points out that over 30% of Europeans currently still lack basic digital skills, with Cyprus being among the countries that have considerable room for improvement.
So the obvious question arises: how can we better uphold the standards in Cyprus and across the EU to ensure a continuous and strategic digital transformation that adequately addresses both the current and future needs?
It’s Time to Go ALL DIGITAL
In response to this exceedingly growing need, which lies at the core of the EU’s and Cyprus’s bid to effectively navigate the transformative developments of the digital transition, the ALL DIGITAL Network runs an annual awareness campaign focused on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment. The AD Weeks campaign, utilises a mix of workshops, presentations and info sessions to popularise digital competencies, as well as inform trainers and citizens about the latest developments. The actions also aim to provide access to the latest educational tools and training programs in support of Europeans with insufficient digital proficiency.
And this year is no exception. Kicking off on the 13th of May, this year’s campaign was successfully managed across Europe by National Coordinators and ran for a total of 3 weeks. Through its actions, it engaged thousands of people to inform and inspire them about the potential of digital technology, with CARDET and Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) leading the promotion of digital literacy in Cyprus. Working across five distinct pillars, the organisations have touched on the multiple blocks towards innovation, economic growth and eradicating digital divide, resulting in a heightened awareness of the digital trajectory.
The two partners, officially launched the AD Weeks campaign in Cyprus with an engaging and thought-provoking webinar on the latest trends and innovative digital tools educators, trainers and organisations can utilise to promote the digital skills of their learners. The webinar, attended by over 250 participants, also served as an opportunity for CARDET and the CCS to present the scope and objectives of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks, as well as explore how participants can make the most of upcoming events as well as bring their own initiatives into the mix.
Building on the success of the introductory webinar, CARDET also leveraged the extensive expertise and experience of its team organising and delivering multiple info sessions, discussions and training workshops welcoming a diverse set of audience. Said events, delving into and furthering the aims of the campaign, illustrated innovative tools and practical solutions in promoting digital skills across all levels of education – school, adult, higher and vocational education.
The Centre sought to have a holistic and multidimensional approach to the issue, hosting discussions with stakeholders to explore policy measures and effective strategies in support of digital education and hands-on workshops for educators, trainers and students. Across a span of eight impactful events, CARDET’s team also delved deep into Digital Learning, introducing innovative gamified learning platforms and the power of Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and immersive simulations to ignite a passion for digital literacy, astronomy, and STEAM.
The campaign has been a truly fulfilling experience for the team’s professionals and trainers, seamlessly bridging the gap between theory and practice. And the numbers speak volumes: over 150 individuals were not only participants but beneficiaries, empowered by the wealth of knowledge and tools imparted through these transformative activities.
What now?
Building on the success of these initiatives, CARDET remains committed to helping future generations thrive in an increasingly digitised world. Through comprehensive actions, initiatives, and projects, the Centre strives to foster digital skills through targeted educational programs and lifelong learning opportunities – all with an overarching aim of helping Cyprus pave the way for a more inclusive and technologically adept society. Learn more about CARDET’s projects and initiatives here.

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